While at the bowling alley we all had dinner, and I had a cheeseburger and fries WITH THE BUN! What??! What the hell am I doing??! They had salads there, why didn't I just go for that?! I was starting to stress about it but then I remembered a few things:
- I have not eaten like this since the end of September;
- this was a special occasion;
- I am at a bowling alley for chrissake! I am supposed to have a burger and fries (although this particular bowling alley is known for its enchiladas, and I have to say, I wish I had gotten them);
- even if I splurged I could easily get back on track this morning; and
- this does not mean that I am going to slip into my old bad habits.
So I said, "That is what the hell you are doing!!" Over the course of the evening I ate bad, I had drinks, and I put my diet over to the side, and just enjoyed life.
But I digress...I said that I don't feel like I have lost weight but time and time again I was asked "How much weight have you lost?"...Now granted I have lost about 15 pounds since the end of September, but really...15 pounds?? Is it really that noticeable? Until I saw this picture...
That is me on the far right standing up with the ball cap pulling up my jeans...Now I never really had much of an ass before and I like for my jeans to be loose, but look at that picture...Where exactly is my ass? Why are those pants so huge? Where the hell is my gut?? Usually you can see my belly from the side, and I would expect to see it again in this picture, but no.... Um, YAY!
Peter and I have both been working so hard (he has also lost about 15 pounds and I am EXTREMELY happy and proud of him, as well) that I guess it is paying off. So my celebration for the visual success is to continue doing what I am doing:
- watching my calories;
- interval training with walking and running at least 3 times a week;
- weight training at least 3 times a week; and
- limit my alcohol intake.
And the last bullet brings to another topic for discussion: alcohol. I love alcohol...wine, beer, hard liquor, I love it. I would drink every day if I could...not that I am an alcoholic...I just like the taste of all different kinds of alcohol. So last night over the course of 6 hours I had 6 beers and 2 shots. Now if you know me, you know that is pretty tame for me...but I am convinced that tame might be the way to go because last night was even a little much. I woke up this morning with heartburn and a headache. (Note to self...go buy prevacid this morning). It taught me that I could indulge and I could be bad, but this is how I am going to feel the next day. Now, I do not have a hangover, but I do not feel as "clean" as I have felt in quite awhile, and I do not like this feeling. I have to travel for work this week to go work at the mother ship. A lot of people know me and like to drink as well, so I will just have to temper my activities this week and focus more on the work and less on the booze.
Later today I will go to the gym (can't do it just yet...not well enough just quite yet) and get back on the road to feeling cleaner. I am looking forward to it, because I know it's the right thing to do.
Aww, I just caught up since your first entry. Was nice to get some of the history of you two. Thanks for sharing the pics and your story. I'm always around for walking Lady Bird or Mueller! hugs -- T