Monday, November 26, 2012

Day of Accountability

So 4 weeks ago the weight loss doctor set a goal for me. It was going to be tough to lose 6-8 pounds in the month of November. I had my birthday and Thanksgiving to battle. And then to top it all off, I also made an unplanned work trip to Iowa. Now when I am in Iowa I do not behave, and I do not stay on my diet...period.

This trip to Iowa, yep, followed the same rule. The birthday celebrations, not bad but I did indulge a little (Tiff's Treats cookies for my birthday...yummmm). Thanksgiving day...did pretty well and didn't hog out on desserts. It was the next 2 nights after Thanksgiving when I gave into temptation and had dessert twice on Friday and once on Saturday. Our house guest was leaving Sunday and I asked her what leftovers she was taking home. She was only taking meat, so all the fattening sides and the desserts went down the drain (Oh how I already miss them...sniff, sniff).

I knew that today was coming, though. I purposefully scheduled my weigh in and doctor visit for the day after Thanksgiving holiday. I knew that I had dropped some weight because my clothes have been fitting differently. However, I was not sure that I was going to meet the goal she set for me.  "If I lose 4 pounds I will be happy," I told myself as I was driving there.

So I arrive at the office and the first thing that happens is they weigh you. OK, off with the socks, off with the shoes, blood pressure taken, and now...the moment of truth...time to step on the scale. I look straight ahead and wait for the beep. I look down and... wait... how the hell did that happen??! How the...huh??!! You have GOT to be kidding me!!!

I lost 8.5 pounds this month! I do not know how the hell I did it, but I was so excited. Then I get angry with myself..."had you been stricter ya dumbass, it could have been 10."  But I cut myself some slack. Since the end of September I have lost 20.5 pounds. If I lose 5 more pounds, which is my goal for my next weigh in on December 24th, I will be the lightest I have been in thirteen years. I cannot wait.

The success is motivating, but it also lets me know that I can balance out my food intake, exercising, and enjoying the "no-no" foods from time to time without going overboard. I want to meet the goal, but also enjoy life. This month I will find the balance. I went for an interval run tonight (that is my latest cardio craze and I love it.... walk for a time period/distance and then run for a time period/distance....ya do the same thing with at least 4 peaks...tonight I had 5 peaks and I really felt it).  At the same time I had a protein cookie today (too chewy...don't know about those), so trying to find the balance for sure.

With the holiday parties and getting together with friends and families, it will be challenging this month, but I am up to the challenge. So bring on the next day of accountability. . Let's do this!


  1. Congrats on surpassing the set goal for the month! That is awesome. You'll feel better once you find a balance you are happy with diet, exercise, and enjoying life. I also like interval training--makes a big difference, though I've fallen off from doing that. I noticed the quickest change when I started that on the elliptical. 30 minutes with 30 second sprints every 2.5-3 minutes. I'm getting back to intervals TODAY! Good luck this next month. Holler for a walking bud while the weather is still nice.

  2. The key to losing weight is to have a HOT boyfriend. It has done wonders for Mean Cub! ;)
